
EventsDisclaimer: Nothing in this section is final. Changes can and will be made.

Meta City Events-

The Meta city team chose to include events as this is a good way to bring competitive gaming with everyone that has access to the game, normal events will take place on a daily basis and the bigger more Intense events will take place either weekly or monthly.Events will give the player the chance to be able to earn big prizes if they win ,it will help them gain reputation and move up in the city.

Who/Where will these Events be Hosted?

These Events will be hosted by people that own a business around the city that give them the ability to host these events, event owners will earn a certain fee from the participants that decide to take part of the events.

What Events will take place?

  • Racing

  • Casino

  • Tennis tournaments

  • Swimming tournaments

  • Boxing Events

NOTE: More Events will be added as the City will be expanding Everyday.

When will the Events take place?

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Events.Smaller events like tennis and swimming tournament will be on a daily basis, other big events like boxing tournament will be weekly and the bigger events like racing tournaments and influencers meetings will be on monthly basis​

Last updated